Tarka is about not being serious, being active, and enjoying the outdoors, about bringing people outside, riding their bikes and having good times while making it more comfortable. We make bike gear so you and your crew could enjoy your rides even more.
Our core idea focuses around challenging the prevailing industry narrative, which often emphasises performance built on purchasing products to enhance your capabilities. Tarka focus is on prioritising enjoyment over performance, and we firmly stand by this. Therefore, we unapologetically deviate from the clichéd "rules of cycling" forging our own bold path.
What does it mean Tarka?
Tarka in Lithuanian is the grater, also known as the shredder. Also known as the deteriorated gravel road that wrecks cars and cyclists alike. This type of gravel is found all around the world and has different names, it can’t be avoided if you’re planning to ride gravel, everyone knows what it’s like.
The only way to ride this type of road is to go fast, to stay on top of the grooves and ride it out till the end. Going slow = bad time usually, there are screams and swears during these sections, and thoughts of why the fuck you decided to ride.
Some enjoy the discomfort and suffering, that's one of the reasons we’re riding bikes on gravel forest roads for 100’s of kms all year. Some hate it, some love it. However in the end of every ride, everyone shares a beer, a smile and their point of view of the ride.
Long gravel rides are about being in nature and appreciating being away from the noise. During these rides beers are drank and lots of snacks are consumed, pictures taken and good times shared with friends. All this requires storage, that's why we decided to make bags designed specifically for such activities and more.